General Topics2024-08-03T21:25:45-05:00

General Topics Blog Library

Include Aging Loved Ones In All Your Exciting Plans in the New Year!

Include Aging Loved Ones In All Your Exciting Plans in the New Year! At Elder Advisors Law, we talk a lot about planning and caring for our aging loved ones. It’s important to have a plan and keep up with their needs through the entire aging process. But, what about vacation planning?[...]

It’s Important to Refocus Your Estate in the New Year

It’s Important to Refocus Your Estate in the New Year And just like that, the new year is upon us. The last year has brought on many exciting opportunities and changes for Wisconsin and Florida families. As we start off 2023, it’s important to refocus ourselves on what’s important. Taking[...]

Who Should Take Advantage of Our Aturna Page?

Who Should Take Advantage of Our Aturna Page? At Elder Advisors Law, our team is constantly looking for ways to make estate planning more convenient and accessible for our clients. That’s what led us to launch a Aturna (formerly Guidr) page which provides an avenue for more “Do It Yourself” planning. This[...]

What Your Company Can Gain From Our Lunch & Learn Program

What Your Company Can Gain From Our Lunch & Learn Program At Elder Advisors, we spend a lot of time and effort helping people. We want to help families protect what they have accomplished for generations to come. We believe that understanding estate planning and asset protection are aspects of[...]

What Are You Doing About These 7 Threats to Your Family’s Security?

What Are You Doing About These 7 Threats to Your Family’s Security? Humans have a natural inclination to constantly be aware and fight off threats, real and perceived. It’s our survival instinct at work keeping us alive, healthy, and able to provide for ourselves and our loved ones. We have[...]

What You Need to Know About Wisconsin’s Land Notification System

What You Need to Know About Wisconsin’s Land Notification System In Wisconsin, homeowners and real estate investors have started receiving a new type of notification concerning their property deeds. This initiative, part of Wisconsin’s Land Notification System, serves to protect land and homeowners from any unusual or suspicious activities related[...]

New Year’s Resolution: Why NOW is the Right Time to Start Planning

New Year’s Resolution: Why NOW is the Right Time to Start Planning While it’s impossible to predict the future, one thing is for certain – If we don’t plan for it, life can be difficult for our loved ones when we pass away. This is why creating an estate plan[...]

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