Make Time for the Whole Family This School Year

Make Time for the Whole Family This School Year

Back to School is a packed time of year for families. You’re trying to run around and make sure the kids have all the supplies they need to have a successful school year. Then, the school year starts and you’re working on adjusting schedules to make sure all the extracurricular activities are accounted for.

There’s no doubt academic success is a vital aspect of childhood, but it’s also important not to neglect elder members of the family this time of year. We want to help families and ensure everyone has what they need to move forward with peace of mind.

So, let’s get some basic estate planning documents in place so nobody is left behind. You might not have time for an estate planning deep dive during the busy season but accounting for the basics is a solid alternative.

Simple Wills

A will is the most common estate planning document used by Americans. It’s a simple document that lays out your plans and wishes to distribute assets should you pass away. Why do this today?

Life is busy right now and who knows when things will slow down? We should take care of these documents sooner rather than later so the whole family is protected and provided for if something tragic happens.

Guardianship for the Kids

Who will take care of your kids when you’re not around? Guardianship designations allow you to appoint someone who will look after your children and make decisions on their behalf according to the guidelines you set.

This ensures your children are protected and cared for in the way you want them to be even if you’re not able to make those decisions and guide them yourselves.

Power of Attorney Designations

Do your aging parents need assistance with financial and medical decisions? Power of Attorney forms allow you to be directly involved in the care they receive and in their finances.

This is one of the most important documents to have in place for the elderly. Your POA designation allows you to make healthcare decisions, sign documents, enter into contracts, and manage their assets.

When you have kids of your own and living parents, you’re in what’s referred to as the “Sandwich Generation” which ultimately creates unique estate planning challenges.

Elder Advisors Law is Here to Help

The team at Elder Advisors Law is uniquely positioned to help members of the Sandwich Generation. Back to School is one of the most hectic times of year for you, so we’ve built services to help you through it all.

Our Aturna page is set up so you can get basic estate planning documents, like the ones mentioned in this article, in place without having to take all the time to book an appointment with an attorney, drive to their office, and pay high fees.

Additionally, our TLC Maintenance Program provides ongoing estate planning services to clients in Wisconsin. We stay on top of your estate planning needs for you by proactively reaching out during busy times to ensure you have the right documents in place and allowing you free access to conversations with one of the attorneys when needs arise.It’s time to get everything in place so all generations of your family are accounted for. Contact our firm today and get started.

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