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It’s Imperative To Keep Your Estate Plan Updated
It’s Imperative To Keep Your Estate Plan Updated We’ve been over how everyone needs an estate plan, regardless of whether you’re young or old. It’s a necessary tool to protect and preserve your hard work for your loved ones when you’re gone. Unfortunately, one of the biggest mistakes people make in estate planning[...]
Back to School is the Perfect Time to Check Up On Your Estate Plan
Back to School is the Perfect Time to Check Up On Your Estate Plan Parents are probably already being bombarded with “back to school” advertising. With school just around the corner, there’s plenty of organizing and shopping to get done. One item every family should add to the list –[...]
Where Are We At In The Fight Against Alzheimer’s?
Where Are We At In The Fight Against Alzheimer’s? Every year during this time of year there are organizations and individuals across the country putting together their own “Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s®.” This is a great opportunity to raise funds to fight back against the disease that more[...]
Friendships and Allies Mean The World to People With Alzheimer’s
Friendships and Allies Mean The World to People With Alzheimer’s At Elder Advisors Law, we talk a lot about the importance of allied professionals in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. These professionals ensure people with Alzheimer’s and their families have the resources they need to get through the challenges life has presented[...]
When It Comes to Long-Term Care, You’ve Got Options
When It Comes to Long-Term Care, You’ve Got Options When you think about “long-term care” what do you think of? For most people, the first thought that comes to mind is a nursing home. We’re not here to tell you you’re wrong – nursing homes are certainly one option. But[...]
Include Aging Loved Ones In All Your Exciting Plans in the New Year!
Include Aging Loved Ones In All Your Exciting Plans in the New Year! At Elder Advisors Law, we talk a lot about planning and caring for our aging loved ones. It’s important to have a plan and keep up with their needs through the entire aging process. But, what about vacation planning?[...]
It’s Important to Refocus Your Estate in the New Year
It’s Important to Refocus Your Estate in the New Year And just like that, the new year is upon us. The last year has brought on many exciting opportunities and changes for Wisconsin and Florida families. As we start off 2023, it’s important to refocus ourselves on what’s important. Taking[...]
Who Should Take Advantage of Our Aturna Page?
Who Should Take Advantage of Our Aturna Page? At Elder Advisors Law, our team is constantly looking for ways to make estate planning more convenient and accessible for our clients. That’s what led us to launch a Aturna (formerly Guidr) page which provides an avenue for more “Do It Yourself” planning. This[...]
What Your Company Can Gain From Our Lunch & Learn Program
What Your Company Can Gain From Our Lunch & Learn Program At Elder Advisors, we spend a lot of time and effort helping people. We want to help families protect what they have accomplished for generations to come. We believe that understanding estate planning and asset protection are aspects of[...]
April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month
April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month At Elder Advisors Law, we believe in the power of awareness and understanding. Bringing attention to the challenges many of our clients and their loved ones face allows us to not only protect those individuals but also bring hope to the cause and shine a light on progress.[...]